Love as access to the person Scheler's love approach

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Alberto Sánchez León


Very few philosophers have tried to deal with the question of love íke a necessary subjert to renew the History of Phibsophy. Summing up those efforts, just Saint Augustine and, very shjlj, Pascal have reallj túed. Perhaps Plato peered much, but he did not daré to mite what mas "The nature of intelligenee of Good". For Plato, that what is sacred is not an objert for theoretical knowkdge, not an axiom, but rather it has to do with what makes a man good, that is love. What makes man good is virtue, and virtue comes from love. Love, as Plato says, is to genérate in beauty because of the desire of immortalitj of virtue. What generates love is virtue; thefower that transforms comes from Love. Henee, in the oíd Plato we find this idea: The most beauty thing is to make the atiben good, to transform him. A person s perfection is in virtue and this is the stem of Love. The aim of this faper is to go back to a notion of person from love from a phenomenological perspective.

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How to Cite
Sánchez León, A. . (2011). Love as access to the person Scheler’s love approach. Veritas, (25), 93–103.