Jenaro Abasolo. Socioeconomic considerations of a marginal philosopher of the Chilean 19th century

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Pablo Martínez Becerra
Francisco Cordero Morales


This artick is a treatise on the Chilean philosopher Jenaro Abasólo. Vrimarilj, it exposes Abasólo, his literary production, and the complete lack of attention that his oeuvre recieved from the intellectual áreles of his period. It alludes, at the same time, to the central concept of his philosophy, Le., the idea of personality. Later and more extensively, it presents Abasolo’s considerations regarding social and economic issues discussed at the beginning of the Republic, addressing topics such as morality, religión, social order and freedom.

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How to Cite
Martínez Becerra, P. ., & Cordero Morales, F. . (2013). Jenaro Abasolo. Socioeconomic considerations of a marginal philosopher of the Chilean 19th century. Veritas, (29), 61–76.